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Ключ к ангельской магии. Список литературы

Список использованных книг

  1. Francis Barrett. The Magus. London, 1801. Reprint: University Books, Inc. Ontario, USA. 1967.
  2. Г.О.М., Курс энциклопедии оккультизма. С-Пб, 1912.
  3. Le Veritable ENCHIRIDION. Enchiridion Leonis Papae, Anconae, 1667.
  4. Johannes Trithemius: De Septem Secundeis. London, 1647.
  5. Henry Cornelius Agrippa, his Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy. Of Geomancy. Magical Elements of Peter de Abano. Astronomical Geomancy. The Nature of Spirits. Arbatel of Magick. Translated into English by Robert Turner. London, 1655. Использовано факсимиле издания Askin Publishers Ltd., 1978.
  6. The Magical Calendar. A Synthesis of Magical Symbolism from the Seventeenth-Century Renaissance of Medieval Occultism. Translated and Commentary by Adam McLean. USA: Phanes Press, 1994.
  7. Henrici Cor. Agrippae ab Nettesheym a consiliis et archivis inditiarii sacrae maiestatis, De occulta philosophia libri III. Apud Godefridum, & Marcellum, Beringos, fratres, 1550.
  8. Roberto Flvdd. Integrvm Morborvm Mysterivm: sive Medicinae Catholicae. Francofvrti, MDCXXXI.
  9. Clavis Inferni. Sive magia alba et nigra approbata Metatrona. Wellcome MS 2000. [Ключ к аду или белая и черная магия, утвержденная Метатроном].
  10. Skinner Stephen, Rankine David. The Grimoire of Saint Cyprian. Golden Hoard Press, 2009.
  11. Frederick Hockley, John Porter. A Book of the Offices of Spirits. The Occult Virtue of Plants and Some Rare Magical Charms & Spells. The Teitan Press, 2011.
  12. Мебес, Григорий. Курс энциклопедии оккультизма. М.: Энигма, 2012.
  13. Eliphas Levi, W.Wynn Westcott. The Magical Ritual of the Sanctum Regnum. Interpreted by the Tarot Triumps. Translated from the MSS. of Eliphaz Levi and edited by W.Wynn Westcott, M.B. - London, George Redway, 1896.
  14. Eliphas Levi. Dogme et Rituel de la haute Magie. Paris: Germer-Bailliere, 1856.
  15. Frederick Hockley. Occult Spells. A Nineteenth Century Grimoire compiled by Frederick Hockley. The Teitan Press, 2009.
  16. Ambelain, Robert. Le cristal magique ou la Magie de Jehan Trithème, abbé de Spanheim et de Wurtzbourg (1462-1516). Edition BUSSIERE, Paris. 1962.
  17. Peterson, Joseph. The Clavis or Key to the Magic of Solomon: From an Original Talismanic Grimoire in Full Color by Ebenezer Sibley and Frederick Hockley. IBIS PRESS, 2009.
  18. S. Liddell MacGregor Mathers. The Key of Solomon (Clavicula Salomonis). Revised by Joseph H. Peterson, 1999, 2004, 2005.
  19. The Testament of Solomon, translated by F. C. Conybeare. \ Использована онлайн версия Джозефа Петерсона
  20. Stephen Skinner, David Rankine. The Goetia of Dr Rudd. The Angels & Demons of Liber Malorum Spirituum seu Goetia Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis. Golden Hoard Press, 2007.
  21. The lesser key of Solomon: lemegeton clavicula Salomonis / Joseph H. Peterson, editor. Weiser Books, 2001.
  22. Henrici Cornelii Agrippae, Liber Qvartvs de occvlta philoʃophia, ʃeu de Cerimonis Magicis. Cui Acceʃʃerunt, Elementa Magica Petri de Abano, Philoʃophi.  Marpurgi Anno Domini, 1559.
  23. Arthur Edward Waite. The book of ceremonial magic. The Secret Tradition in Goëtia, including the rites and mysteries of Goëtic theurgy, sorcery and infernal necromancy. London, 1913.
  24. Jacques-Albin-Simon, Collin de Plancy. Dictionnaire infernal: ou Bibliothèque universelle, sur les êtres, les les personnages, les livres, les fairs et les choses. Paris, 1825. Reprint: Harvard College, 1828.
  25. Stephen Skinner, David Rankine. The Veritable Key of Solomon. (Sourceworks of Ceremonial Magic Series Vol. 4). The Golden Hoard Press, 2008.
  26. Adam McLean. A Treatise on Angelic Magic. Weiser Books, 2006.
  27. Stephen Skinner, David Rankine. The Keys to the Gateway of Magic: Summoning the Solomonic Archangels and Demon Princes. The Golden Hoard Press, 2005.
  28. David Rankine. Grimoire of Arthur Gauntlet. Avalonia, 2011.
  29. Aaron Leitch. Secrets of the Magical Grimoires: The Classical Texts of Magick Deciphered. Llewellin, 2005.
  30. Joseph C. Lisiewski. Ceremonial Magic & The Power of Evocation. New Falcon Press, 2008.
  31. Lisiewski, Joseph C. Howlings from the Pit. A practical handbook of medieval magic, Goetia & theurgy. Tempe, Arizona, USA: Falcon Press, 2011.
  32. The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage. Translated by S.L. Mac Gregor Mathers. John M. Watkins, London, 1900.
  33. Abraham von Worms. The book of Abramelin. A new translation by Georg Dehn and Steven Guth. Ibis Press, An imprint of Nicolas-Hays, Inc., Lake Worth, Florida, 2006

Список использованных манускриптов

British library

  1. Harley 5596. SCH. 53347. Title: Geomantica Exorcosmi.
  2. Harley 6483. SCH. 84011. Title: Dr.Rudds Salomons Spirits.
  3. Sloane 2731. SCH. 38295. Title: Clavicula Salomonis.
  4. Sloane 3648. SCH. 38305. Title: Clavicle of Solomon.
  5. Sloane 3825. SCH. 38309. Title: Treatise on Magic.
  6. Sloane 3847. SCH. 38310. Title: --
  7. Lansdowne MS. 1203. 74 folios. 4°. Les Véritables Clavicules de Salomon, traduites de l'Hebreux en langue Latine par le Rabin Abognazar.


  1. Wellcome MS 2000. Clavis Inferni. Sive magia alba et nigra approbata Metatrona.
  2. Wellcome MS 3202. Five treatises upon Magic.
  3. Wellcome MS 4670. Les Clavicules de R. Salomon.
  4. Wellcome  MS 4669. La Clavicule au La Clef de Salomon, Roi des Hebreux, et fils de David.

Universität Leipzig

  1. Cod.mag.4. Clavicula del Salomone re d’Ebrei Spiegata dall Ebreo in Volgare per Rabbi Colorno per ordine di. Sua A. S. il Duca di Mantova in Anno 1453 -  s.l. 1750.
  2. Cod.mag.27. Clavicula Salomonis expurgata oder des Königs Salomonis Schlüssel wunderbahrlicher Geheimnüsse.
  3. Cod.mag.19. Rehencatrici totius Indiae regis, Apollonii discipuli, ars cabalistica sacrae philosophiae.
  4. Cod.mag.34. Petri de Abano quatuor annuli Salomonis, wodurch einer alle Sprachen kan reden, alle Schätze finden, bei jedermann angenehm ist, auch sich unsichtbar und unüberwündlich machen kann.
  5. Cod.mag. 85. Clavicula Solomonis filii David.